Awesome opportunity to give to amazing charity that will impact many lives. Not just someone who has CF, but also local young ladies who will have the opportunity to learn about the importance of this charity, make a wonderful friend in Jeanette and chelsea, along with having a magical night wearing something you treasured enough to give... plus you earn a chance to win!! dusky pink color wears for bridesmaid

Dress Donation Drive is happening!!
Hey girls! Don’t you feel wonderful when you help someone else?! Why not donate dresses that you’ve wore to Chelsea’s Closet! (Most likely you’re going to anyway~but now there’s a bonus!!)
For every formal short or long dress you donate to Chelsea’s Closet you’ll be entered into an amazing drawing!
Prizes include
Gift certificates for prom hair!!
Gas Cards!
Gift certificates for manicure!!
Chelsea Closet merchandise!
New rhinestone jewelry sets!
AND......(drum roll
This is what you need to do, get your parents approval, clean out your closet of formal dresses. Bring them to Chelsea’s Closet any Saturday & Sunday noon - 5:00. You’ll fill out paper work, then you’ll be given as many tickets as dresses you’ve donated!! We will draw the winners on Monday March 5th at 7:00pm!
Because you girls are so awesome and generous we know you’re going to donate your dresses eventually, we want to give you a opportunity to have the dress of your dreams for prom!
now go clean out your closest and donate!!