In 2014 I joined the Antigua Toastmasters Club with the aim of honing my SPEAKING abilities, conducting better impromtu interviews, or speeches and most of all increasing my LEADERSHIP skills. (The captioned are the key components of the Club)
The Club Meetings are held EVERY Thursday at the ABI Conference Centre from 6:00pm SHARP to 7:30pm. One may visit as a Guest for as long as you wish however Membership fees are $100 usd twice annually. The great thing about this Club is that you're allowed to speak at your own pace.
In 2016 I was forced to take a prolonged break particularly because of an increase in Wedding and Funeral orders. In December 2017 I returned to Toastmasters and on January 4th 2018 reinstated memebership. That evening I engaged in the Table Topics (Impromtu 2 minute speeches) and was awarded BEST SPEAKER. This happened only because of determination and continuous practice. I never stopped talking to my "dressing table" audience and every opportunity given I exhibited good speaking practices. floral print bridesmaid dresses
I am presenting speech number 7/10 on my quest to becoming a Competent Communicator and would like to encourage Pastors, Politicians, Government Officials, Teachers, Bankers, Insurance Agents; Protocol Personnel, Event Coordinators and anyone interested in speaking publicly using less "arm, but AND so" to join the ANTIGUA TOASTMASTERS CLUB. If you're desirous of being a good LEADER in every sense of the word this Club is for you.
Be determined this year to INVEST in yourself and POSSESS an indomitable spirit!
From the desk of: