PROM DRESSES NEEDED: an organization I'm passionate about, Foster Care Support Foundation, is looking for prom dresses for high school age girls who are currently in foster care. If you have a new or gently used formal dress that you'd like to donate, let me know and I will arrange to get it from you this week and take it to them! Here's more info:
Please donate (and/or ask your family and friends to donate) new or gently used dresses for our Prom-A-Palooza event on February 18, 2018. We have this free event every year for teens in foster care. We turn our distribution center into a prom store with everything they need to feel beautiful at their prom. The teens come and get a personal shopper to help them select from our racks of dresses, shoes, make-up, purses and accessories. The girls are all treated like royalty and leave with huge smiles on their faces. Of course, everything they pick is free of charge and they get to keep it after the event. Unfortunately, we have had some last minute registrations for girls needing size 5x dresses and we do not currently have any. We struggle every year to get enough of a selection for our plus size teens to choose from, but not having any dresses in their size is devastating. Please contact us regarding the possibility of donating some dresses for this worthy cause. These teens have had to face enough disappointment in their lives. This is one day that is all about them and we would hate for anyone to miss out on this opportunity. We especially need plus size dresses, but we will happily accept any dresses in good condition-even gently used dresses. Feel free to visit our website to learn more about our organization: mauve color prom gowns